R programming



1. Write a R program for different types of data structures in R

2. Write a R program that include variables, constants, datatypes.

3. Write a R program that include different operators, control structures, default values for arguments, returning complex objects *.

5. Write a R program for calculating cumulative sums, and products minima maxima and calculus *.

6. Write a R program for finding stationary distribution of markanovchains *.

7. Write a R program that include linear algebra operations on vectors and matrices *.

8. Write a R program for any visual representation of an object with creating graphs using graphic functions: Plot(), Hist(), Linechart(), Pie() ,Boxplot(), Scatterplots() *.

9. Write a R program for with any data set containing dataframe objects, indexing and subsetting data frames, and employ manipulating and analyzing data *.

10. Write a program to create an any application of Linear Regression in multivariate context for predictive purpose *.

Shelton Coutinho
Shelton Coutinho
Articles: 13

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